Thank you, Charli and Linda! I took these photos of an amazing model train installation at the Washington State Historical Musueum last Sunday. The time and effort to put something like that together must have been immense.
I love replicas like this. Whoever makes them has a serious eye for detail. And I have a picture on my post I think you'll enjoy. Hope to hear from you soon!
Cool pictures - I thought they were real-live places at first!
Me too!
Ezekiel. Thease are great! are definitely a photographer!
Thank you, Charli and Linda! I took these photos of an amazing model train installation at the Washington State Historical Musueum last Sunday. The time and effort to put something like that together must have been immense.
I love replicas like this. Whoever makes them has a serious eye for detail. And I have a picture on my post I think you'll enjoy. Hope to hear from you soon!
...just stumbled into your blog and saw these fab photos....took a while for me to realise they were of miniatures...thanks for sharing them....
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