Monday, September 15, 2008

'Prospecting' Was More Than Just a Verb

This dapper gentleman, sporting a very put-together ensemble, appears to be gazing meaningfully down a hill or maybe even mountain. The thing I find hilarious here is that his pose seems intentionally "candid" during a time when candid photos were virtually non-existent. I can only wonder whether the man with the umbrella chose his own pose, or whether he was told by the photographer (in a serious tone, of course): "Put your right foot over your left and lean toward the tree. And focus on that snag up ahead while I count to 10."

When I see photos like this, I feel an air of intended suggestion; this fellow is leaning in a manner most debonair, pinning the ground below him with the point of his superfluous (from the looks of the weather) umbrella. His style of dress is also rather formal, suggestive of railway employment.

From reading all of the old letters from my family, I learned that there was a considerable amount of crossover when it came to finding "prospects." Rail men invested in mine claims and miners invested in railways. However, real estate ownership was every one's ultimate goal.


Linda S. Socha said...

What lovely juxtapositions. It could have been fun to meet this fellow in him time frams. I look forward to your photos...whatever their origin... and I appreciate your creativity in their presentation.

Ezekiel Barzillai Smythe said...

Thanks Linda. I will keep 'em coming, and am glad they are of amusement to you!